Thursday, January 9, 2014

30 Paintings In 30 Days - Day #9 - Kicking At The Falls

No quote today. Ever have one of those days where you are completely, and totally, uninspired? Where you feel like even MORE of a hack than usual?

Today was definitely that day for me.

I tried to sit down at lunch and start a painting so that I could post earlier today, with ZERO success. I could not think of a thing that excited me, or even caused a twinge of some semblance of interest. I looked through my "inspirational" folder with no luck either.

So I asked for assistance. The first suggestion was to do one of my tiny figure paintings with myself practicing martial arts on a cliff. I actually (yeah, I'm embarrassed to admit it) have photos of myself doing martial arts poses on a LOT of different cliffs, including the Grand Canyon. Remnants of my younger days.

But after the struggle I had painting the overlook at Big South Fork on Day #7, I said I just did not want to attempt a cliff again.

The next suggestion was balancing on a big log. Sigh. Yep, I have photos of that as well (shakes head in embarrassment again......)

So I ended up going with a scene where I was throwing a round kick while balancing on a log over Fall Creek with Ozone Falls in the background. I had to leave out a few elements of the scene as I was just too tired to painstakingly put them in. Any Tennesseans familiar with Ozone Falls will immediately know what I left out.

Anyway, its not much, but it keeps the streak alive. Hopefully tomorrow will see the return of some level of inspiration!

1 comment:

  1. There's a lot to like about this painting. think you have captured the body language quite well, I can feel the energy in the pose. The values of the leg and foot in front of the water are just right. I think you have captured the energy of the falls, too, especially below the log. Nice piece!
