Friday, January 10, 2014

30 Painting In 30 Days - Day #10 - Flamingo

Ok, do you know how hard it is to find quotes about flamingos?!?!

Whenever I am having trouble with inspiration, I can just about always be saved by finding a photo of a flamingo to paint. One of my very first watercolors was a flamingo for my mom. She loved it, and I have been painting new ones for her collection ever since.

After feeling so horrible yesterday, I knew today a flamingo was going to have to be my project. So I scoured Google and pieced together a scene from a couple of my favorite photos. The painting below is on 6x8 cold press watercolor paper.

I also got some ideas for a few more projects, so don't be surprised if flamingos pop up again.

And again. :)

Watercolor painting of a flamingo by amateur artist Bill Whitworth from Morristown TN


  1. I like your flamenco, and this may sound funny, but I really like the ripple around the rear foot. So much of the painting is fairly straight lines (legs, wings, horizon line, water line) that the ripple seems like the perfect balancing touch. The ripple also plays well off the way you do your signature. I'm glad you found some inspiration, but have to tell you, I like yesterday's, too. So I'll go to yesterdays and tell you about it.

    Sorry I haven't been here in a few days, I have been exhausted and also trying to be supportive of my sister, as her dog is fighting for her life right now....

    OH! About the artist you mentioned on a comment on my blog, thank you for comparing my work to Lisa Moore's. I looked her up and I believe I have also enjoyed her work in person--I think a friend of mine has one of her originals. I'll have to confirm the name of the artist who painted it next time I talk with her. I'm responding to you here, because I am never sure if someone will go back to my blog to see what I say in reply to their comments!

  2. So cheerful, a pretty pink flamingo playing in la playa!
