Sunday, January 19, 2014

30 Paintings In 30 Days - Day #19 - A Tree

"Art is the tree of life."
      - William Blake

Tried a new brand of watercolor block today - Kilimanjaro 4x6. It has a texture that seems really different than any of the other papers I have used.

Its been too long since I painted a simple little tree.

There is nothing special about them. They break just about every rule I have ever been taught about creating art. But painting them makes me happy!

Watercolor painting of a small tree by amateur artist Bill Whitworth from Morristown TN.
Little Green Tree


  1. Nice job Bill. Hope your keeping warm.

    1. Thanks. Its supposed to hit 52 here today - should be nice!

  2. It's a graceful, proud tree. I'm glad to see your painting making you happy!
