Tuesday, September 2, 2014

30 Paintings 30 Days 2014 - Day #1

My family and I spent Labor Day Weekend at the beach. It was our first beach trip since 2011, so it was great to feel the sand underfoot and breathe the salty air!

How could I spend that much time at the beach and not attempt to transfer some of that beauty onto paper?

This is my attempt to do so. I have a hard time with perspective, so I removed a lot of elements from the scene in order to keep things as simple as possible, a common theme with my paintings.

Watercolor on 4x6 block paper.

Watercolor painting of Myrtle Beach by amateur artist Bill Whitworth from Morristown, TN.
Myrtle Beach

1 comment:

  1. You have certainly captured the essence of the beach, by keeping it simple. What more do we need? It's all there....
